A platform that allows services to customers to confirm the originality of educational documents.
    Equivalence Evaluation
    Accriditation and Track Status

FDRE Education and Training Authority (ETA)

This is a platform that allows services to customers to confirm the originality of educational documents.

  • Authentication
  • Equivalence Evaluation
  • Accriditation

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Education and Training Authority, formerly called Higher Education Relevance and Quality Assurance Agency (HERQA) is instituted as an executive organization in the country responsible for regulating, monitoring and evaluating the quality of education in General education, TVT (Technical and Vocational Training) and higher education institutions. Since 2022, the council of ministers entrusted the authority with wider responsibilities and thereby necessitated as Education and Training Authority. Furthermore, the Education and Training Authority is in charge of issuing accreditation, conducting quality audits, authentication and equivalence for various educational qualifications in all sectors of education.

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ETA is in charge of issuing accreditation, conducting quality audits, authentication and equivalence.


Verifying and certifying the authenticity and legality of educational credentials earned from local HEI. The following are the basic requirements for authentication of educational credentials; · Original degree duly certified by the dean/president and the registrar of the institution; · Original transcript duly certified by the dean/president and the registrar of the institute; · The transcript should include the necessary information like admission month and year, academic years of each semester, campus...etc); · Original university entrance examination certificate duly authenticated by the Ethiopia National Educational Assessment and Examinations Agency; · If Level IV certificate or 10+3 diploma is used for entrance, it should be duly authenticated by TVET agency


Verification of the level of the foreign educational credential to be valid and equivalent to the local one. Requirements for Equivalence of aBachelor Degree are Original and Photocopy of the Bachelor Degree together with the Academic Transcript, duly authenticated bythe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Original and Photocopy of the high school certificate. If it is from abroad, duly authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Requirements for Equivalence of a Master’s Degree :Original and Photocopy of the Master’s Degree together with the Academic Transcript, duly authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Original and Photocopy of the Bachelor Degree together with the Academic Transcript.If it is from abroad, duly authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.


Accreditation is a systematic quality assurance process in which higher education institution programs are evaluated to determine if minimum standards are met. It is a mechanism to make sure that programs are opened after standards are met. In line with this, no institution is allowed to start a program before the accreditation of the program by the Agency. Re-accreditation is the renewal of accreditation. Accreditation process begins with a written request by the Higher Education Institution. The institution presents the request attached with legal, governance and systematic documents; and when overall preparations are finalized.

HEI Campus Licensed Programs (ፍቃድ የተሠጣቸው ፕሮግራሞች)

# HEI Campus Program Start Date End Date Status
1 Sheger College Megengna Accounting and Finance (Regular) MS 14/02/2015 E.c 15/02/2018 E.c Active
2 Admas Univeristy Megenagna Accounting and Finance (Regular) MS 01/01/2011 E.c 01/01/2019 E.c Active
3 Admas Univeristy Mekanisa Accounting and Finance (Regular) MS 01/01/2011 E.c 30/12/2018 E.c Active
4 New Global Vision College Addis ababa Accounting and Finance (Regular) MS 01/02/2013 E.c 30/01/2018 E.c Active
5 Rift Valley University Bole Accounting and Finance (Regular) MS 01/12/2005 E.c 30/12/2017 E.c Active
6 Leadstar College of Business and Leadership Bambis Leadership (Regular) MS 01/08/2009 E.c 30/07/2017 E.c Active
7 CPU Business and Information Technology College Arat Kilo(Hub&Main) Leadership (Regular) MS 10/07/2014 E.c 09/07/2017 E.c Active
8 St. Mary’s University Africa Heberat Akababi Business Adminstration (Cross border) MS 01/05/2009 E.c 30/12/2017 E.c Active
9 Gibson College Bole Management (Online) Degree 01/08/2014 E.c 01/08/2017 E.c Active
10 Gibson College Bole Accounting and Finance (Online) Degree 01/08/2014 E.c 01/08/2017 E.c Active


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